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The Mathematics of Ethics
Life is measured by time. A human life has duration. The gravestones of the dead record the age of the deceased. Human language speaks of past time, present time, and future time. Any life may be lived more or less energetically, and more or less happily or contentedly, but every life is lived at exactly the same rate. We measure time by the passage of the seasons, by the fullness of the moon, by the alternation of day and night, and by clocks in which pendulums swing or crystals oscillate. All life, humanity included, is always to some degree busy maintaining itself. Life does not consist of leisure. There is always, to a greater or lesser degree, a shortage of free time and an abundance of work. At work, people concentrate on some task, to the exclusion of all else, doing what they must do rather than doing what they want to do. It is only in idle time that anyone can do what they want to do. Therefore to the extent anyone wants to do something, they simultaneously wish for the idle time in which to do it. Busy at work, humanity is constrained. Idle at play, humanity is free. The primary goal of humanity is to escape from the constraint of toil, and to discover the freedom of idleness: to move from a busy condition to an idle condition. This goal is not only a matter of what people wish, but also a matter of necessity. The carrot is the prospect of freedom as idleness increases. The stick is the prospect of toil and ultimately death as idleness decreases. Therefore actions must principally be judged according to whether they bring gains or losses of idle time. Ethics is not principally about what people should do in their idle time: it is about what people should do to come by idle time. Any action entails gains or losses of idle time. For example, acquiring some useful tool which will speed up some necessary chore will result in a gain of idle time. Equally, losing such a tool will entail a loss of idle time. And searching for a lost tool entails an expenditure of idle time. But finding it again is to recover the lost time. And because time has no other quality than duration, and this duration is measured in numbers of minutes and seconds, years and days, it follows that it is open to mathematical treatment. If the outcomes of actions are all measured in terms of gains and losses of idle time, then any action can be described in mathematical terms, and its gains and losses calculated. Discounting psychological states Accompanying these actions and their outcomes, there may be a variety of psychological states. Someone may be pleased to acquire some useful tool, and angry at losing it, anxious while searching for it, and relieved upon finding it. But these psychological states are largely consequences of foreseeing likely outcomes. The new owner of a useful tool is pleased because he foresees the idle time it will bring him, angry at losing it when he foresees the increase of work attendant upon the loss. Such states of mind might themselves be described as the result of a series of mental calculations which run in parallel with physical action, with pleasure being the consequence of estimating a gain, and displeasure the consequence of estimating a loss, and their intensity dependent upon the scale and certainty of the gain or loss. For while performing any activity, anyone also models in their own mind what they do, as some plan which is constantly being adapted as circumstances change. The outcomes of these mental models form no part of the real outcome: all that matters is what actually results, not what is expected to result, or what is hoped to result, or what is feared to result. Another way of putting this might be to say that individual human opinions or judgments about any set of circumstances are themselves evaluative in nature, and such evaluations should not be included in a separate evaluative process, but instead set beside it. One should not evaluate evaluations. For example, a detective investigating a crime should seek all the relevant facts relating to it, but should disregard all opinions proffered about the likely culprit. He should take account of the fact that Mrs Scarlett saw a bloody candlestick in the lounge, but discount her opinion that Colonel Mustard was the murderer. So equally when morally evaluating some action, it is the facts of the matter that should be considered, and any opinions about its merit or demerits discounted. This is not to say that opinion is always to be discounted. There is obviously a debate to be had about how different people arrive at different judgements, and one that is about comparing and evaluating different evaluative procedures. But that is a higher order evaluative process - like choosing between Christianity and Buddhism and Utilitarianism. Idle Theory's evaluative process is, in outline, a matter of totalling up the time gains and losses consequent to some action. Whether that evaluative process is a good or useful or comprehensive process is an entirely separate matter of discussion. Egoism: the ethics of individual life Atomic individuals, existing outside any society, are necessarily solely concerned with their own personal idle time gains and losses. Theirs is an ethical egoism. Acts to which a purely egoistic ethics apply may also apply to what an individual does in private, alone, unseen, and unheard. In such privacy, it may be argued that their actions have no direct effect upon any other persons (although there may be counter-arguments). In privacy, individuals have no need to concern themselves with the effects of their activities upon other people. Acting solely on his own behalf, an individual, A, will generally act to increase his own idleness, choosing to do whatever is easiest for him, avoiding what is hardest. He will carry out actions which win him idle time, and avoid actions which cost him idle time. Or he will prefer outcomes which increase his idle time, and dislike outcomes which decrease his idle time.
The most anyone can lose is their life. The measure of that is not simply their remaining natural lifetime, but their remaining expected idle time. If a natural lifetime is 70 years, an individual of 30 years of age has an expectation of a further 40 years of life. And if that life is 50% idle, then the lost idle time is 20 years.
In this approach, the death of newborn child is a greater loss than that of an elderly man or woman. But also the death of an idle individual entails a greater loss than that of a busy individual. Equally, if someone is on the brink of an early death, by disease or accident, then if that life is saved, what is gained is the remaining idle lifetime.
In this approach, there is no absolute value of human life, but a scale of values. But it is problematic to the extent that what is an expected lifetime has the nature of a guess, as is expected future idleness. It might be argued that, given such ignorance, we should expect the longest imaginable lifetime, and the highest idleness, and in so doing render every death equivalent to every other. Ethics in society In co-operative human societies, individuals are dependent on other individuals for goods or services. The farmer, the butcher, the baker, the blacksmith, the lawyer, the roadsweeper, and all the other trades of society are mutually dependent on each other. Therefore it is in the interests of any individual to take account of the effects of his actions upon other members of society. What harms one also harms others: if the baker is hurt, the society he serves gets no bread. Therefore members of society should be considerate not only of their own interests, but the interests of others.
Given that there may be any number of interactions between A and B, such that in some cases one wins
There are also circumstances in which nobody gains any time, and some may lose time. About their everyday business, people sometimes obstruct each other. Cars get stuck in traffic jams. Vehicles impede each others paths. People try to go through the same door in opposite directions. If nobody gives way, it only wastes everyone's time. In these circumstances it is usual for one person to give way and let the other pass. Courtesy, or good manners, requires that the loss be minimized, and that who gives way on one occasion is given way on another. In such manner the loss of time from obstruction is minimized and equally distributed.
But while there might be a net gain or a net loss to society, there is also a degree of inequality of the distribution of gains and losses. If old Mrs F had such difficulty breathing that she died, then while A's fire might prove a net gain to society, it would cause the most tremendous loss to Mrs F. And this also needs to be taken into account.
This creates, in effect, a new set of axes of social gain and loss, in which the axis that runs diagonally from bottom left to top right represents the degree of social gain or loss, and runs from the maximum social loss, through a zero at the origin, to the maximum social gain. And the axis that runs from top left to bottom right represents the degree of inequality or inequity of outcome, with zero inequity at the origin.
Social moral codes should therefore reflect the consequences of actions, with acts injurious to social idleness prohibited, and acts beneficial to social idleness rewarded.
Some actions may appear ambiguous. It might be argued that an act of theft by individual A from individual B is equivalent in its effects as that of a gift of the same thing by B to A.
Beyond human society
The argument of social ethics is essentially that in co-operative human societies people are dependent upon each other, and is from this dependency that there grows mutual concern. But this dependency extends beyond human society.
Any particular co-operative human society is one of many such societies, which are to a greater or lesser degree bound together in trade. One society is very often dependent upon another for materials or tools or skills or labour. And it is through this mutual dependency of trade that there arises the same set of relations between societies as exists within co-operative human societies. The trade between societies is essentially not different from the trade within societies.
In this respect, it follows that wars between societies are as destructive - and as intolerable - as murder, theft, vandalism, and rape within co-operative civil society.
Beyond human society, however, there extends the entire natural world of plants and animals, of earth and rivers and rainfall and sunshine, upon which human life depends. And this dependency upon the natural world means that humanity owes the same care to the natural world as they owe to each other.
Therefore a farmer is not a mere plunderer of the bounty of the natural world, but one who acts to increase its bounty, by protecting plants from grazing animals, ensuring they are watered, and ploughing and fertilising the earth in which they grow. The farmer acts to make life easy for his plants, allowing them to grow tall, and yield rich harvests.
And in the same way as he protects plants, so also he protects animals - cattle, sheep, pigs - from predatory wolves and lions, and ensures that they are watered and fed, treating their infirmities, even sheltering them from the worst of the elements. In this way a farmer increases the idleness his herds, ensuring that they grow fat and healthy.
Of course, these plants and animals almost all pay for this idle existence with their lives, to be eaten by humans, their skins tanned into leather, their stems wound into ropes and baskets. But human lives also end, and just as men consume plants and animals, in death their bodies are consumed by animals, or their ashes fertilise the earth in which crops grow. If humanity consumes plants and animals, plants and animals also consume humanity. Only the occasional pharaoh, mummified in a rock tomb, escapes this mutual trade.
And human care extends also to rivers and lakes and ponds, because these supply them with fresh water, and carry their boats.
Human society does not consist of humans, but also of the wider family of all the plants and animals that humanity has use of, as food and herbs and spices and medicines and preservatives, as timber and leather and grease and honey and wax and paper.
In many profound senses, the relation of all life upon this globe is one of mutual dependency. The natural world is in itself an economic system in which all creatures seek to lead idle lives. The inventiveness of men is surpassed by the invention of the natural world.
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Author: Chris Davis
First created: May 2004
Last edited: Sep 2004