IdleTheory Download Idle Theory website zip file

One day, Idle Theory will cease to exist. If you're interested in it, make a copy while you can. You can now download the entire Idle Theory website as a Winzipped file. This will allow you to read all pages on the site offline.


  1. Download (approx 4.9 MB).
  2. Create 'idletheory' folder somewhere.
  3. Use winzip or equivalent utility to unzip into the 'idletheory' folder, creating all the folders and files in the Idle Theory site.
  4. Using your browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, whatever), open idletheory\index.html.

The downloadable version of Idle Theory includes neither the site search facility nor the hit counter in the online version. The version of Idle Theory can be found at the bottom left corner of the front page.

The downloadable version may not always be the same version as that of the website from which it is downloaded. As new essays are added, the Winzipped file will only be periodically updated.

No liability is accepted for any failure or loss resulting from downloading and unzipping this file.

The author gives permission for the Idle Theory website to be freely copied and distributed unaltered. Should the original Idle Theory website at or be removed, the author gives permission for Idle Theory to be republished unaltered - apart from webmaster details - on other websites.

Idle Theory

Author: Chris Davis
First created: 3 June 2006
Last edited: 25 May 2007